
How I lost 10 pounds in 31 days

"Fully alive | More than most | Ready to smile and love life" Flyleaf, Fully Alive

Yep, I did it. Not that I set out to do it but nevertheless I did it anyway. I lost 10 pounds in a month. So what's the big secret? What on earth could I have possibly done to effect such a change?

I ate better. I moved more. That's it. And I'm down one dress size (almost 2!) as a result.

One month ago I made a commitment to myself: I would make better food choices and do something active everyday. "Active" didn't have to mean running a marathon each day. It could be something as simple as putting a little extra oompf into the house cleaning if I couldn't make it to the gym. Or taking the stairs at work instead of the elevator if I didn't have time to the dog out for a run. And making better food choices didn't mean that I was relegated to eating nothing but brown rice and vegetables (although I did eat brown rice and vegetables, but not at the same time).

I challenged myself for 31 days. Why not challenge yourself? What kind of commitment could you make to yourself over the course of the next 31 days? Walk the dog around the neighborhood each night at sunset? Learn how to do a perfect pushup?

What's your goal?


White Hot Magik said...

Okay I have to start here instead of your last post. I have been trying this more but not making it every day.

However I do have one question for you... Do you recommend push ups for someone who when they get in the position their boobs outreach their arms? ; ) Love ya!

Mrs. F said...

I am writing down everything I put into my mouth, just so that I can look at it and evaluate my eating habits at the end of the week.

Also, I am trying to remember to put my pedometer in my pocket at the beginning of every day...which reminds me...where is my pedometer? Trying to take 10,000 steps a day.

White Hot Magik said...

Did you think i meant me? JK