
Om.... ahhh

I had high hopes this morning for getting out to the gym to make a 0930 Yoga class. But fate interceded and kept me home. What's a girl to do who needs to get her Yoga on? Rely on her own bits and pieces to get the job done, that's what!

Unfortunately for me, I haven't practiced Yoga in what seems like ages. So to ensure that I didn't overreach I decided to ease back into the practice gently. Even though my downward facing dogs weren't perfect (in truth I'm jealous of my own dog's perfect pose... but I think she's just showing off!) and my triangles a bit wobbly, I feel all the better for it. My muscles are excited, remembering the wonderful calm that Yoga brings to my mind and body.

, anyone?

1 comment:

Mrs. F said...

I tried Yoga once when I was pregnant. It was a failed attempt.

That triangle pose looks super awesome!!!