
On the ball

Bouncy balls are no longer for kids.

Once you've done a set of crunches on one,it's easy to see why exercise balls are becoming quite popular. They give you an amazing area to work from, allowing for a greater range of motion. Your standard crunch has finally met it's match.
Try completing a set up crunches on an exercise ball. Seated comfortably, roll yourself down until your low back is resting on the ball. Your knees should be over your ankles.
Go ahead,now. Crunch. When you come back down, angle farther back than parallel. Here's where the ass kicking will commence.
After you've completed a set (12? 15? What are you comfortable with?) try the same thing working the obliques. Those "side" abs. Lead with your shoulder up and across toward your opposite hip. Switch sides.
You'll feel these babies burn pretty quickly.
Why stop at crunches? Grab those weights!
Sitting on an exercise ball while lifting will engage your core muscles to keep you balanced. Two for the price of one. Seat yourself in the middle of the ball, keeping your tailbone down and sitting tall. Don't slouch! If your feet are more widely spread apart it will be easier to maintain your balance. The more closely set together, the more difficult it is & the more your working to maintain your balance. Grab your weights and knock out some arms: bicep curls, butterflys, shoulder flys, overhead tricep press, lat pulls, the works. Tell me if you don't feel the difference in the next day!
What about pushups?
Of course you can do pushups with an exercise ball! Roll yourself out, arms comfortably spaced. You can make this exercise easier or harder by where you position yourself on the ball. Belly on the ball makes it fairly easy. Effective, but easy. Roll yourself so that your thighs are resting on top and it will be harder. More hardcore? Keep rolling the ball downward. Try your shins or your feet only resting on the ball. Then I'll bow to you.
There's tons more when it comes to exercises on a ball.
Try some of the links below for more ideas.

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