
Fake it till you make it

"You know it all by heart | Why are you standing in one place?" Gwen Stefani, What You Waiting For?

Sometimes it's impossible for me to wring out an ounce of motivation. Really impossible. Cause then I don't want to work out. If I'm at the gym I'll find myself doing things half-assed and that's not doing me any good--or the folks in the pool if I happen to be teaching a class.

So what do you do? Sometimes you just gotta fake it.

I know, I know. "Faking it" stirs up bad thoughts but stay with me. Have you heard that if you smile, even when you're not happy, that your mood can improve nonetheless? Same principle. You can fake enthusiasm and start to benefit from it.

Go from faking it to making it:
Listen to some kick butt music. Maybe all you need to do is hear a line from a song to go from zero to 65.
Change your scenery: Get outside and run if all you are doing is clocking miles on a treadmill. If you are already running, switch direction or change your route.
A little visualization goes a long way. Imagine yourself 5 pounds thinner or running that extra mile.
Get some rest! Maybe you are overtraining. If you have been working your butt off you may need some extra downtime to let your body catch up.

Are you feeling this yet?

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