
Home Bound

"Ride like the wind at double speed" Rolling Stones, Start Me Up

I won't make it to the gym today. I've got a sick girl home from school. Hopefully ONLY today. But what to do? I had planned on my usual batch of running & lifting at the gym and I don't want to bail on my workout.
I've got a handful of things laying around the house that I can use to get a good workout from. There's an elliptical machine (not mine...it's my best friend's. Long story.) that I can hop on. There's also a Bow Flex (again, my best friend's). So yes, I can get a good workout from those. But what if you don't happen to have something like that lying around the house?
Got stairs?
Run up and down them. Don't trip over the cat.
Got corn?
Grab a couple cans of your favorite vegetable. You've now got yourself a couple of weights.
Got rope?
You've now got something to jump with.
Got a VCR or DVD player?
Bust out those workout vids that are collecting dust.
Got a broom?
You've now got a bar to deadlift & squat with. You can still get an effective workout like this without it being weighted down and you can work on your form.
Got YOU?
If it's just you and you alone then it's your lucky day. Run in place. Do a set of squats. Pushups. Leg lifts. Crunches. Jumping jacks. Then do it all over again. The point is to get moving.
Are you sweating yet?

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