
Finding your sweet spot

You can do anything you set your mind to, man" Eminem, Lose Yourself

If you gotta run, gotta lift, gotta crunch, are you doing in a spot that is truly deserving of such an feat? Are you surrounding yourself with the motivation to kick those crunches to the curb or are you just laying down in the middle of your living room, pushing aside the morning paper and the toys that the kids didn't put away the night before? Are you running around the neighborhood, dodging trashcans and errant dogs?

These places do serve a purpose; don't get me wrong. Everyone needs to start somewhere, and boy do I know that something is better than nothing. But when do you go to your sweet spot, the one place where you know that motivation runs high and finishing brings such sweet satisfaction?

I recently discovered my sweet spot. At work, no less! Here I can have a Top Gun moment (in running shoes rather than a motorcycle, mind) while I listen to tunes that keep me going. There's nothing like it.

Can you run on a wooded trail? (Keep it safe and run with a friend!) Along a riverfront? How about practicing yoga in a garden, surrounded by the smells of beautiful flowers? Find a sweet spot worthy of your activity, even if you can only go there once or twice a month. Make it a ritual!

1 comment:

Malathionman said...

I took Yoga as one of my required PE classes a few years ago when I was finishing my degree. The instructor had me in her tennis class the semester before. She said if I was a "man" I would take her yoga class, plus there would be a bunch of hot women in the class. She was right about the women, and her class kicked my ass. I think yoga has it all. More people should try it. Its tough to do it at home though with the kids.