
Body Glide | Bodies in motion

"Cause I bring you that comfort" Black Eyed Peas, Don't Phunk With My Heart

I can't believe that I only just found Body Glide. This stuff is amazing. Really and truly. Lest I convince myself that I'm the only person out there who has the occassional "thighs rubbing together so badly that I'm about to start a fire" issue, allow me to impart my new found wisdom upon the masses.

Body Glide is an "anti skin friction formula". Better put, it's a lubricant. Say it loudly, with me! LUBRICANT! Go on! It's not a dirty word!
Not to be too graphic (ok, wait...so I really don't mind) I applied this stuff to my inner thighs just as I would under my arms. It's Lube on a Stick with almost the consistency of Chapstick. Note to self: Don't mistake this stuff for my Lady Speedstick. Then I ran.
And the clouds parted! The heavens sang! My thighs didn't feel as though I was gearing up for a BBQ! Hallelujah!
I will be buying stock in Body Glide. So go buy some.

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