
Those bike seats are really, really tiny

"Work it harder, make it better, do it faster, makes us stronger" Kayne West, Stronger

Time and circumstance forced me into an alternate exercise after I was attacked by a dog a couple of months ago. I had just dusted off my running shoes when *snap* I got bit on the foot. I think more than anything that day I was torqued because instead of running a couple of miles I was now spending my afternoon in the emergency room.

A couple of days after I was able to walk without limping I dusted off my bike and went for a little ride. That little ride became a longer ride the next day and an even longer ride the next. Despite the initial ache in my, er, bottom line I quickly grew used to that itty bitty seat and was able to enjoy my outings. I had recently changed my diet and with all the biking I was doing I started to see some major changes...and I could make out my hamstrings again!

Biking can be considered "low impact" exercise. It doesn't stress the knees like running does so it's a great exercise for those with knee problems. But if your hauling ass and fussing with those gears you will see a serious workout by the time you are finished--no matter what your age.

If you are going to consider digging your own bike out of the garage allow me to make some important recommendations:
1. Get a helmet. Safety first! Yes, you'll look goofy...but better to look goofy than look beat the hell up--or worse--if you have an accident.
2. Plan your rides. Can you ride on a bike trail? Stay away from heavy traffic areas and always tell someone where you are going.
3. Always carry identification.
4. Always carry lots of water.

Wanna go for a ride?

What was that again?

Wow, it's dusty in here!
*cough cough*
I was taking a guilty look around when I realized that I left the impression that I was having a knee replacement surgery last year. Well, I didn't have knee replacement surgery. Instead I had arthroscopic surgery on both knees in one fell swoop. Should you be interested in how that turned out go over and take a peek here where I documented the experience.