
Fly Away

"You got a reaction, didn't you?" The White Stripes, Blue Orchid

Whenever I do this exercise at the gym, I imagine myself as The Incredible Hulk. Minus the green skin. And ripped clothes. Oh, and I don't growl. I might grunt now and then (the shame!) but I most certainly do not growl.

This cable fly will primarily work your pectorals but you'll also work your deltoids and lats, as well as a small handful of other muscles in your arms and back. And ladies, remember that old ditty from grade school, "I must, I must, I must increase my bust"? When you were pushing your hands together you were working your pecs. To think, you started your bodybuilding career at such a tender age!

I like to perform this exercise with one leg forward, one leg back so I can work my abs (pull your belly button in toward your spine and compress your tummy). I'll switch legs after one set. If I'm going for that third set I'll position myself like this guy. Only difference is that I wear a shirt to the gym. Most days. ;)

1 comment:

Mrs. F said...

Haha. "I must, I must, I must increase my bust." I haven't said that for YEARS! That is hilarious!