

There's a lot to be said for the basic functions of running and walking. I suppose that in days of old it saved more than one fanny from Saber Toothed Tigers and whatnot (the running part, mostly).

Running and walking are two of the most amazing things you can do for your body, a third (but first on my list!) being lifting. But you need to do it with purpose. And that goes for anything you do.

Running doesn't have to be an art form. Get a good pair of shoes on and run. You don't have to go fast, just, well, go. The fast part will come, later, if you want it to. I warn you: it can be addicting. Once you run that extra 5 minutes or that extra mile, you may get hooked because you did it. And did it well.

The basics for running: Good shoes. Good trail/path/treadmill/track/surface. Wear something comfortable. But please, for the love of all that is good and holy, No 80's Spandex. That is just wrong, people.

Remember to breathe. Yes, you just might forget how. Pace yourself. Breathe in and out too rapidly and you are on the fast track to hyperventilation. Try to control your breaths, "in, 2, 3, 4 out 2, 3, 4" or something of the sort. Whatever you do, just breathe.

If you can't run, then walk. Walking is just as effective as running when burning calories. The main difference is the amount of time it takes to burn the same amount of calories. The basics for walking are the same. Good surface, comfy clothes, breathing. You can spice up your walk by pumping your arms, holding weights (but you have to hold them, not dangle them) or wearing ankle weights. Maintain a good posture, suck in your belly and go.

You may want the time you spend running or walking to be spent in quiet reflection. I choose to listen to some really awesome tunes to keep me motivated. It's all about personal preference.

And last but not least: Water. Have it on hand, or close by. It's very important to keep hydrated when your working out. There's no sense in keeling over and dehydrating yourself, is there?

Now get out there and get moving!

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