

"Kick on the starter give it all you got" Start Me Up, Rolling Stones

There is a woman, at least sixty years old, who comes to the pool regularly throughout the week. It takes her a while, but she makes it into the pool, leans back and just floats for a moment. Just for a moment, and then she's off. She's walking through the water as if she's plowing through 5 feet of snow. Shoulders forward, legs determined and brows set. She pushes herself, gently, mind, but she pushes herself. Many days you can tell that she's dreading this task, but she's bound and determined.

She's also extremely overweight. Obese, even. When I started teaching classes in the pool a year ago, I had to move out of way so she could get by me on the pool deck...she was that big. She's now easily moving past me. I'd say that she's easily lost one hundred pounds, and probably has one hundred more to go. But she's determined. And she'll make it.

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