
Healthy Snacking

"Get your hand off my trigger" Kelly Clarkson, Walk Away

I'll admit it: I love to snack. Like crazy. Given free reign I'd fall face first into a bag of salt and vinegar chips or a bag of pretzels with a side of french onion dip. Mmmmm.
But that's not gonna happen any time soon. I have to come up with better snack choices. Especially because I sit in front of a computer for 10 hours a day, four days a week. With all the cookies, candy and chips on display, it's enough to drive you mad.
Prep your snacks like you would prepare for battle. After all, for many of us it IS an all and out fight. This is like drawing up a battle plan. Time your attacks, um, I mean snacks in advance so that they are spaced out over the course of your day. This has alleviated the sense of panic I've felt when I feel like I've shortchanged myself, and THAT usually leads me to giving into a bad option (think vending machine). And having armed myself with something healthy strengthens my resolve when I politely decline an offered candy bar.
Of course this will only work to your benefit if you make healthy snack choices. Some ideas:

  • Fresh fruit--apples, sliced oranges (eliminates that pesky peel problem!), grapes, bananas, & fresh pineapple (OHMIGAWD, have you had fresh cut pineapple? It's insane how delicious it is.)
  • A serving of cheese (protein, people!)
  • A handful of 'naked' almonds (find these in the baking aisle)
  • A single serving bag of baby carrots (awfully convenient)

Try it. Your body will thank you for it, in more ways than one. Trust me.

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