
Bicep Curls

"'Cause it makes me that much stronger/Makes me work a little bit harder" Christina Aguilera, Fighter

Bicep curls are much like bicycling riding. Very basic, very easy. No offense to any elite riders out there, of course. But my point is that this very simple exercise will give you those poppin biceps that you've always wanted. And even if you don't want poppin biceps, you'll still have a nice round muscle to show off once you've worked at it for a bit. It's easy to vary this exercise, too. Sit, stand, with rubber bands, with barbells, with dumbbells, on a cable machine... you can curl damn near anywhere with anything. Take a look at this gal performing a bicep curl. After the page loads move your cursor over the picture. You'll see the actual movement. For giggles, move it back and forth over the picture really quick. Cheap laugh, but I'm short on material right now.

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